Episode 01 – The Beginning (-Remastered 2024-)

The Story

Why a Remaster?

The original material of the episode was of inferior quality due to its age and the nature of the recording. To preserve the story in the best possible form, we decided to technically enhance the episode. Despite the improvements, there were some unavoidable compromises. Unfortunately, due to the condition of the source material, it was not possible to eliminate all technical flaws.

What Has Changed?

  • More Scenes and Voice Material: The remaster version allowed us to add extra content, giving the episode new facets. These elements were not included in the original version and now contribute to an even more intense viewing experience. Additionally, two episodes were merged into one, making the episode longer and more coherent.
  • New Storyline: The introduction of a new storyline at the beginning of the episode provides fresh impetus and expands the plot in an exciting way. This allows viewers to experience familiar characters in a new context.

Challenges with the Remaster Version

Despite our best efforts, we had to acknowledge that the possibilities for improving the old material are limited. The original recordings were in poor condition, and even modern technology has its limits here. Unfortunately, we were not able to fix all the quality issues. Perhaps in the future, AI technology will give us the ability to further optimize such old recordings. But as of now, we are still several years away from such advancements.


We hope that despite the remaining limitations, you will enjoy this revised episode. It was important to us to get the most out of the available material to provide you with the best possible viewing experience. We are eager to hear your feedback on the remastered version and look forward to continuing our adventures with you.


The images are still from the old version! Due to the work involved in the revision, I kindly ask for your understanding.

In an exciting episode of the series “Alenwen,” the charming elf takes us on a musical journey through the breathtaking places of Middle-earth. With her cheerful and naive personality, Alenwen sees the good in everything and spreads joy wherever she goes. Her dedication to singing is admirable, but sometimes her enthusiasm can be a bit much for others.

Alenwen, a young elf, dreams of becoming a famous singer and embarks on a journey to the Shire to perfect her singing.

In the following years, she not only hones her singing skills but also her dancing abilities. Although she is happy in the Shire, she feels the call for new adventures and decides to continue her journey.

In this episode of the series Alenwen, based on the online game The Lord of the Rings, we witness the first meeting between the elf Alenwen and the Beorning Skaldiv. The two couldn’t be more different: Alenwen is a cheerful and musical elf who loves the beauty of nature, while Skaldiv is a tough and pragmatic Beorning.

The encounter between the two doesn’t start off very friendly: Skaldiv feels annoyed by the elf’s singing as she wanders through her homeland and demands that she leave.

However, Alenwen doesn’t know where to go. Skaldiv’s dog Erwin, a gentle soul in the body of a Cane Corso with a better sense of the elf’s feelings, whines and signals to his mistress that she should help the elf. Reluctantly, Skaldiv invites Alenwen to her home and offers her dinner.

During the shared meal, “interesting” conversations unfold, even though Skaldiv really isn’t in the mood for them.

This is a fan movie.
The scenes shown are from the game:
The Lord of the Rings Online on the server: Belegaer RP Deutsch

Old Versions:

Darkbats Christian

Christian Uebersohn is an accomplished artist who has been enriching the world of music with his cinematic compositions since 2016. Simultaneously, he contributes to the electronic music scene and has released some impressive works under the name "Darkbats - Schlammschlacht." As the producer of the "Alenwen" series by Darkbats, he demonstrates his versatile talent.

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